Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.

Or so society would have you believe. I, however, would disagree.

I just don't understand society and our unhealthy obsession with body image, especially when it comes to women. In fact, I would go a step further than not understanding to say that I find society's expectations disgusting and infuriating. From a young age girls are

Be sexy, but not too sexy.
Be skinny, but not too skinny.
Be flawless, but not too flawless.

I am fortunate, most days, to be the advisor of my college sorority. I see smart, ambitious, outgoing young women working together to achieve some pretty amazing things. The friendship and sisterhood they share keeps my belief in the goodness of the organization alive. However, I also see the damaging effects of the unrealistic standards of society. Beautiful, intelligent young women thinking they need to lose weight or wear a shorter skirt to be confident and liked. And in the scheme of things, it's probably true.

I wish I could tell these young women, and even myself really, that there is so much more to size of your jeans, your perfect highlights, or whether or not you have the much coveted thigh gap, and really mean and believe it. I mean, in my oversized gut, I know how much more there is not be a good person than what's on the outside, but that does mean it's easy to be a female and turn the other cheek to society's expectations.

When will society embrace healthy? Intelligent? Ambitious? When will we celebrate the accomplishments of the less than beautiful by putting their smiling faces on the cover or magazines? When will the leading lady of must see sitcom or blockbuster movie be a perfectly normal size 10?

If we put half as much energy into creating a healthy society as we do idolizing the skinny, sexy flawless models and starlets, think of where we could be.

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