Sunday, March 29, 2009

Oh cyberspace, how I have missed the....

"Where has she been?  Who am I?  That's one secret I'll never tell.  You know you love me.  XOXO."

Apparently I've been watching too much tv.....

No really, it's been ages.  What have I been doing?  Where have I been?  Work, sick, sleep, work, CRABBY, sleep, crabby, work, repeat.  That pretty much sums up the past week or two.  It's that time of year where things are a lil nutty.  Work days are long, there's weekend events, everyone's getting a little strung out, and well I just haven't had much time or energy for anything.  I do the work thing during the day, the early to bed because I'm sick and cranky thing after, and that's about it.

A couple of weekends ago I made my voyage out on the new bike, which was pretty excellent, I did some running and just all around enjoyed the new spring like weather.  But in the midst of embracing the nicer weather, I came down with a cold, and while I was coughing and sneezing and just generally snotting all over the place, the nice spring like weather decided it had come to soon and should be replaced by cold, grey rain, and last night SNOW.  Right. Snow.  Just what I wanted.

Before the snow happened, but not until after the mucus had thinned, I did get a trainer ride or two in as well as a tready run.  What I discovered tho, no matter how much I love my new bike, riding a trainer when sick is just miserable.  Even more miserable than normal in fact.  Sweating it out on the treadmill was much more tolerable, but after not doing a whole lot of it for a week busting out 6m in just a bit off race pace was little much.  Guess I don't always exercise the most common sense...

I did some stretch-tastic stretching this morning (ok, I'm using the term morning liberally here as it was like noon....ish).  It was wonderful.  And let me tell you about my new favorite thing: my new Trigger Point toys.  They are magical.  It's sort of like the massages I no longer have time to get.  Especially on the over tight and sore IT bands.  Check. It. Out.

What's next on the agenda?  Well if I am really ambitious I may make it onto the trainer yet today.  I'd like to get in a run or two this week before headed to New Orleans this weekend for the 70.3 because it's rough to get in quality workouts while on the road.  Racing this weekend?  No, no, not me.  I'll be working the expo.  But if you're down there racing stop by and say hey!  I'll be there all weekend rocking the expo.

Ok, well that is enough of my non-sensical ramblings for the day...

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