We are now a few weeks into 2012, which makes this post long over-due, but that's life. Being a few weeks into 2012 also means that by now I would have broken any resolutions I could have made. Eat better, workout more, do laundry weekly, read more, and so on. For some people the idea of a clean slate and resolutions works. I'm not one of those people. Kind of like I don't buy the whole confession frees you of all your wrong doings and guilt, but THAT is an entirely different post.
So instead of making a list of resolutions that will only be broken and inevitably make me feel bad, I've decided to focus on one area of my life and what I'd like to do there.
In 2009 I finally felt like I was getting somewhere with my running. I was comfortably running in the 9's, I was conquering longer runs, I was in the best shape of my life. Welllll, that clearly didn't end as I as hoped. 2010 was epically worse than 2009 in the health and running department, which made 2011 a year of rebuilding. After I was finally given the all clear to start running, the next 10 months were an uphill battle. Every slow, torturous mile hurt. The speed was gone, the endurance was gone, my willingness to wear spandex in public was gone. But I kept at it because I am mentally ill. Or something.
So here I am, safely tucked into the new year. And what's on the agenda? I could stress about all the things I want my running to be. Faster, farther, lighter. But instead I am thinking big picture. In 2012 I want my running to be consistent. With consistency will come the other things.
It doesn't hurt that I have catapulted myself into race mode early on. I'm registered for my first half since 2009 in roughly 7wks. A hop, skip and a jump after that I will be attempting to finish my first marathon. In between the two will be my favorite 10k. With more races to follow, and adventures to have, the way I will stay healthy and is to be consistent.
Not that it would hurt me to finally shed those pesky 15lbs I've been bemoaning for over a year, or spend a little more time in the kitchen cooking, or do my laundry on a regular basis.
But first, consistency.
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