Friday, March 25, 2011

Yoga School Drop Out

After much debate and over-analyzing, I have officially become a yoga school drop out.

This is something I've been hemming and hawing over virtually since the teacher training began. not even a week after the first training module I headed in for stomach surgery, which was far from the ideal way to kick this whole process off. Surgery turned out to be much more serious than planned, and the recovery was more than triple what I anticipated. About the time I was feeling better we headed into event and sale season here at work, and it just hasn't stopped yet. Every weekend is booked, work weeks are running looooong, there's now a new puppy in the house. I'm exhausted!

Ladybug and the new pup, Willis, napping together.

When it comes down to it, this winter/early springs schedule has been so busy that I just wasn't giving myself the time to practice and dedicate to the teacher training. And the less free time I had, and the more exhausted I was, the more I stressed about the situation. The more I stressed, the more I resented even going to yoga classes.

And that seems just about as anti-yoga as it gets.

As I looked ahead to late spring and summer, I was noticing that the majority of my weekends were already booked and it's not even April yet! Not to mention the number of weekends that were already double-booked... I'm exhausted just thinking about it!

Part of me feels guilty and like a huge failure, but more of me feels relieved so I think it's win-win situation in the end.

1 comment:

Belle said...

Sounds like you really have no time for yoga classes. Don't be hard on yourself, you can always do it later when things calm down. I so love the photo of your dogs. They look so peaceful.