Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thankful Thursday

This Thankful Thursday is brought to you from the backseat of our G6 rental car on the way to Indy.

I am thankful for...
~upgrading to a standard size rental car over a compact...especially as I am the designated backseat driver.
~being out of the office for a few days, even if it is to work long event hours.
~picking up our new puppy on Monday!
~puppy rescues and shelters. Those people have hearts of gold.
~spring time and sunshine.
~the swanky kennel Burton is staying in this weekend while we're gone...I hope they take good care of the little guy.
~national parks and backpacking through them.
~vacation time!
~for great friends and a wonderful boyfriend.

Don't worry, I will have oodles of adorable puppy pictures to share early next week. And I'm sure I'll have stories to share
from Indy. Oh, and I still have to fill y'all in on our worldwind tour of DC. Oh where does the time go...

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