Monday, January 5, 2009

Holidaze, Take 2.

Let me start by saying it is going to be rough being at work a FULL WEEK this week after two blissfully short holiday weeks….

I have to say that I had an absolutely wonderful couple of weeks. To follow up on the last week, this week was a rockin’ continuation of the last. Not only did I only have to work 3 days (always a reason to celebrate) but the days off were well spent.

NYE we got all dressy and went out for an “adult” nice dinner with friends at Restaurant Magnus. (I have to interject here that I had a little bit of a wardrobe meltdown early in the evening. Bryn patiently and superheo-esque-ly came to my rescue and talked me off the proverbial ledge.) Once that was squared away, and dinner was underway, it was a wonderful evening. Delicious food, good company, a cocktail or two, dancing on a bench….eh, right. I’ll stop there. All in all, it was a pretty darn great night (followed by a much needed lazy day on Thursday).

Friday we headed out to the hill for some quality snow playing. First things first, I broke my snowboard binding. Niiiice. I have to say that I am quite proud that I managed not to have a complete meltdown over this, and would even go as far as to say that I stayed calm during the whole quest to repair the binding. And it was totally worth it. Despite the brrr-tastic temperatures once the sun dropped, the snow was great. And for the first time since my epic attempt of a front flip (also known as my painful wipe out a few weeks ago) it actually felt natural, date I say good, to be on the snow. By the time we headed out, however, I was a complete Katie-sicle that even the largest bowl of the Weary Traveler’s most delicious chili couldn’t defrost…

Saturday was dinner with the running buddy’s family (eek!!). At the time, terrifying!! In retrospect, not really scary at all. I would even say it was pleasant as the family was pretty wonderful, the food was tasty, and I got to see enough embarrassing childhood pictures to fuel me for a while. J After dinner we ventured out on the icy death trap sidewalks to Jolly Bob’s for some chilling with Geoff and Jenn (and Jenn’s sister Kate). These kids are some of my favorite people to hang out with. So grreat. The mile+ walk was chilly and slippery on the way there, but the walk home was a jillion times worse! I however thought it would be a great idea to run and slide on the ice-laden pavement. There was even some pushing of others into snow banks (and I’m not sorry for it at all). As I was frolicking on the ice, I kept getting farther and farther in front of the running buddy, who didn’t appreciate this one bit and even yelled at me to slow down. I ignored his warnings, until we witnessed AND HEARD the complete wipe out of a pedestrian. It was quite possibly the most skull cracking thwap I have ever heard. Ick ick ick! After that, the running buddy used his adult voice and I listened (especially as a block and half later the wiped out pedestrian was still laying on the ground, surrounded by friends, not moving). That was until we found a wonderfully icy parking lot to slide around in…

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