Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Find a penny, pick it up...

Today as I was hightailing it across the fine state of Iowa*, I found myself at a truck stop in Floyd, IA. As I stood there at the pump, contemplating the assortment of pickled things and fried chicken giblets available inside, I glanced down to see a gleaming penny, heads up, in a slush puddle nearby. 

With absolutely no hesitation, I plucked Lincoln out of that puddle and put him in my pocket.

Two plus hours later, after unloading my car at my storage unit, I found myself using the (questionable) bathroom at the self-store. And would you believe that as I adjusted my jeans, and the toilet flushed, out fell my lucky penny directly into the swirling waters? Because that's exactly what fucking happened. 

If that isn't a sign, I don't know what is.

*Iowa, not that nice. Always  windy AF. Worst gas mileage ever. But they have cheap gas and will sell me booze at the gas station, so we'll agree to disagree.