AKA Marathon FAIL
AKA Worst Run of My Life
The short of it: That sucked balls.
The long of it: Ugh, that really sucked balls. Seriously. Awful. Splat. I died.
My marathon training started well. I was making my long runs, I was doing my midweek runs. I was picking up speed and gaining confidence. Then RnR NOLA happened...and didn't go as planned. I trained for a 2:15. I ran nearly a 2:30, 2:20-something if you exclude porta-pottie time. I was pissed. I was discouraged. I WAS LAZY.
Yes, I admit it. I got lazy. I started a new job. I made excuses. I got sick (legitimately). And mainly I pouted about blowing a perfect PR opportunity.
Fast forward to early April when I realized I didn't log the mileage I needed to make it to race day. Shit. Oh well, looks like I'd have to run my first full some other time. I decided bir to stress and just be excited about hanging our in Nashville with a friend I don't see very often and just have fun. What's that? She didn't show? AGAIN? That's a different post entirely. But I digress.
Fast forward to race day. After an outfit meltdown and an I-don't-wanna-run tantrum, we did in fact make it to the start line. Shocking, I know. Seeing as I had averaged one run a week in the 3 weeks prior I knew this was going to be a struggle, but doable...
I had heard the course was hilly, but was NOT PREPARED for what was ahead of us. The first two miles ticked by uneventfully in the mid-10's. Then we turned the corner. And hit the first of many long, slow, tortuous climbs. And by mile 2.5 I was walking. That is never a good sign.
And then it got hot. And sunny. And I wanted to die. I made a decision, somewhere between mile 6 and 7, that I was going to embrace the slowest, longest, most miserable 13.1 miles if my life and make the most of it. I took pictures. I complained less than I wanted to. I walked the aid stations, and most hills, and just kept putting one foot in front of the other. At least I showed up, AM I RIGHT?!?
I still don't know my official time, but I expect it to be in the 2:50's. Embarrassing and uncharacteristic, but I am proud to say I hung in there.
What's next? I don't know. I really want a re-do. I also really want a break. And to lose 20lbs, but we don't always get what we want...